2023-07-15 Alex DehnertIgnore (empty) htdigest.users for now adehnert-test-d
2023-07-09 Alex DehnertMerge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into nagios4 nagios4
2023-07-09 Alex Dehnertnagios4: Update Apache config
2023-06-11 Alex DehnertAdd monitoring of backups
2023-05-27 Alex DehnertAdd new stylesheets
2023-05-27 Alex DehnertUse hostnames, not
2023-05-27 Alex DehnertMore nagios4 updates
2023-05-26 Alex Dehnertnagios4: Add new objects config, remove old extinfo
2021-10-04 Alex Dehnertsalt: Update Vault check to run elsewhere
2021-10-03 Alex Dehnertwieliczka: Add a check that Salt can talk to Vault
2021-09-27 Alex Dehnertroost-api: Add zephyr/zulip bridge monitoring
2021-09-27 Alex Dehnertxidi: Add xidi (adehnert-pi4) monitoring
2021-07-11 Alex Dehnertvault: Add a check for seal status
2021-07-09 Alex Dehnertvault: Check that the vault server is responding with...
2021-04-29 Alex Dehnertroost-api: Add check for HTTPS service
2021-04-17 Alex DehnertSend personal zephyrs, now that there's more content
2021-04-17 Alex DehnertSend long output by zephyrs
2021-04-17 Alex DehnertCheck for ssh signing less often
2021-04-04 Alex DehnertAdd some more checks on salt minions
2021-03-28 Alex DehnertConfigure monitoring of salt minions
2019-08-26 Alex DehnertAdd monitoring of dovecot replication
2019-06-27 Alex DehnertESP has their own monitoring now
2019-06-27 Alex DehnertSwitch to new IPs
2019-05-05 Alex DehnertNew Apache/nagios config for xenial (16.04)
2019-05-05 Alex Dehnertnagios config tweaks from upgrading to 16.04
2017-05-20 Alex DehnertNew post-renumbering IP addrs at ET
2017-01-21 Alex DehnertUse novgorod's post-renumbering IP
2016-01-19 Alex DehnertFix nagios checks
2016-01-19 Alex DehnertLinerva has been dead for ages, so delete the config
2016-01-19 Alex DehnertNew config options with Ubuntu 14.04's nagios
2016-01-19 Alex DehnertNew stylesheets with Ubuntu 14.04's nagios
2015-10-13 Alex DehnertESP: add RAID check
2014-02-15 Alex DehnertSet up repeat notifications for my outages
2014-02-15 Alex DehnertLunatique is no more
2013-07-31 Alex DehnertCheck the jabber server
2013-07-06 Alex DehnertWarn on olinda cert expiry only 10 days early
2013-04-10 Alex DehnertBump the large queue threshold
2013-03-28 Alex DehnertDisable notifications on s-b
2012-11-26 Alex DehnertBump the olinda mailq thresholds
2012-11-14 Alex DehnertCGI-related changes?
2012-11-14 Alex DehnertUpdate ESP config for web access
2012-08-26 Alex DehnertUpstream updates (Lucid->Precise upgrade)
2012-07-28 Alex DehnertPush's cert expiry warning to 30 days
2012-07-28 Alex DehnertNotify ESP by email, too
2012-07-26 Alex DehnertMonitor SSL on olinda
2012-07-26 Alex DehnertMonitor lunatique pingability
2012-03-31 Alex DehnertIgnore brief spikes in disk due to backups(?)
2012-03-09 Alex DehnertMonitor linerva (especially disk)
2011-10-01 Alex DehnertRequire more failed checks before alerting
2011-10-01 Alex DehnertSend zephyrs about esp to -c esp-auto, not -c esp
2011-06-10 Alex DehnertIncrease the threshold for postfix queue alerts
2011-04-25 Alex DehnertAdd Exim queue checks
2011-04-25 Alex DehnertCheck that can connect to services on
2011-04-23 Alex DehnertFix MySQL check
2011-04-23 Alex DehnertExpand monitoring of olinda
2011-04-20 Alex DehnertReconfigure esp so notification go to -c esp
2011-04-20 Alex DehnertAdd NRPE config
2011-04-20 Alex DehnertMonitor
2011-04-20 Alex DehnertCheck every 2 minutes
2011-04-20 Alex DehnertIgnore the htpasswd file
2011-04-20 Alex DehnertWatch my machines --- novgorod, olinda
2011-04-20 Alex DehnertWatch scrubbing-bubbles
2011-04-20 Alex DehnertAdd contacts (zephyr)
2011-04-20 Alex DehnertAdd directory for site-specific config
2011-04-20 Alex DehnertFix line break in zephyr command
2011-04-20 Alex DehnertAdd zephyr config
2011-04-20 Alex DehnertAdd upstream nagios config