2012-11-14 Alex DehnertCGI-related changes?
2012-11-14 Alex DehnertUpdate ESP config for web access
2012-08-26 Alex DehnertUpstream updates (Lucid->Precise upgrade)
2012-07-28 Alex DehnertPush's cert expiry warning to 30 days
2012-07-28 Alex DehnertNotify ESP by email, too
2012-07-26 Alex DehnertMonitor SSL on olinda
2012-07-26 Alex DehnertMonitor lunatique pingability
2012-03-31 Alex DehnertIgnore brief spikes in disk due to backups(?)
2012-03-09 Alex DehnertMonitor linerva (especially disk)
2011-10-01 Alex DehnertRequire more failed checks before alerting
2011-10-01 Alex DehnertSend zephyrs about esp to -c esp-auto, not -c esp
2011-06-10 Alex DehnertIncrease the threshold for postfix queue alerts
2011-04-25 Alex DehnertAdd Exim queue checks
2011-04-25 Alex DehnertCheck that can connect to services on
2011-04-23 Alex DehnertFix MySQL check
2011-04-23 Alex DehnertExpand monitoring of olinda
2011-04-20 Alex DehnertReconfigure esp so notification go to -c esp
2011-04-20 Alex DehnertAdd NRPE config
2011-04-20 Alex DehnertMonitor
2011-04-20 Alex DehnertCheck every 2 minutes
2011-04-20 Alex DehnertIgnore the htpasswd file
2011-04-20 Alex DehnertWatch my machines --- novgorod, olinda
2011-04-20 Alex DehnertWatch scrubbing-bubbles
2011-04-20 Alex DehnertAdd contacts (zephyr)
2011-04-20 Alex DehnertAdd directory for site-specific config
2011-04-20 Alex DehnertFix line break in zephyr command
2011-04-20 Alex DehnertAdd zephyr config
2011-04-20 Alex DehnertAdd upstream nagios config