Decrease MaxClients to avoid swapping
[sysconfig/apache2.git] / sites-available /
2012-08-26 Alex DehnertUpstream config updates (Lucid->Precise)
2012-08-26 Alex DehnertAdd untracked config files before taking new changes
2012-08-26 Alex DehnertSwitch to StartSSL cert
2010-03-02 Alex DehnertUse common config file for default vhost
2010-03-02 rootEnable awstats
2010-03-02 rootFix ServerAdmin and ServerAlias
2010-03-01 Alex DehnertHave more ServerAliases and a wildcard cert
2010-03-01 Alex DehnertHostname is now olinda
2010-02-28 Alex DehnertAdd vhosts
2010-02-27 Alex DehnertEnable more SSL vhosts
2010-02-26 Alex DehnertEnable SSL, particularly for
2010-02-23 Alex DehnertAdd / vhost
2010-02-22 Alex DehnertAdd sites-* to git