--- /dev/null
+import sys
+import os
+import csv
+import subprocess
+import ldap
+#columns = [ 'timestamp', 'first', 'last', 'email', 'constituency', 'year', 'major', 'cell', 'mitid', 'retreat', 'whynot', 'project', 'othermit', ]
+format = "%(first_with_initial)s;%(last_canonical)s;%(mitid)s"
+def dictize_line(header, line,):
+ line_dict = {}
+ for key, elem in zip(header, line, ):
+ line_dict[key]=elem
+ return line_dict
+def get_ldap_data(username, fields):
+ con = ldap.open('ldap.mit.edu')
+ con.simple_bind_s("", "")
+ dn = "dc=mit,dc=edu"
+ result = con.search_s('dc=mit,dc=edu', ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE, 'uid=%s'%username, fields)
+ if len(result) > 1: print "WARNING: More than one result returned for %s" % username
+ if len(result) < 1: print "WARNING: Only one result returned for %s" % username
+ ret = {}
+ for key in result[0][1]:
+ ret[key] = result[0][1][key][0]
+ return ret
+def get_data_dict(line_dict):
+ email = line_dict['email']
+ username = email.replace('@mit.edu', '')
+ ldap = get_ldap_data(username, [ 'cn' , 'sn' , 'givenName' ])
+ first = ldap['givenName'].replace(' ', '_').upper()
+ last = ldap['sn'].replace(' ', '_').upper()
+ mitid = line_dict['mitid']
+ data_dict = { 'first_with_initial': first, 'last_canonical': last, 'mitid': mitid }
+ return data_dict
+def format_line(data_dict):
+ return format % data_dict
+def do_produce_card_info(db = sys.stdin):
+ reader = csv.reader(db, )
+ lines = []
+ header = reader.next()
+ line_dict = dictize_line(header, header, )
+ data_dict = { 'first_with_initial': 'FIRST_M', 'last_canonical': 'LASTNAME', 'mitid': 'MIT ID' }
+ lines.append(format_line(data_dict))
+ for line in reader:
+ line_dict = dictize_line(header, line)
+ #print line_dict
+ lines.append(format_line(get_data_dict(line_dict)))
+ print '\n'.join(lines)
+if __name__== '__main__':
+ do_produce_card_info()
--- /dev/null
+# Alex Dehnert --- 2009-04-24
+# Return only lists owned by first argument
+for list in `cat`; do
+ hidden=$(athrun ops qy -s -f hidden glin $list)
+ if [[ "x$hidden" == "x" ]]; then
+ true
+ else
+ owner=$(athrun ops qy -s -f ace_name glin $list)
+ towner=$(athrun ops qy -s -f ace_type glin $list)
+ if [[ "$towner" == "LIST" ]]; then
+ if [[ "$owner" == "$wantowner" ]]; then
+ echo $list
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
--- /dev/null
+for user in $@; do
+ ldapsearch -h ldap.mit.edu -b dc=mit,dc=edu uid=$user
--- /dev/null
+# Alex Dehnert --- 2009-04-24
+# Print list members of a list
+# Takes a container mailing list on the commandline
+blanche $cont | grep ^LIST | sed -e "s/^LIST://"
--- /dev/null
+# Alex Dehnert --- 2009-04-23
+# Attempt to update the list of UA lists
+# Takes the container mailing lists on the commandline
+function add_lists
+ (
+ for list in $(blanche $prev | grep LIST | cut -d : -f 2); do # for each list we already know about
+ # Add a list's sublists
+ for newlist in $(blanche $list | grep LIST | cut -d : -f 2); do
+ blanche $prev -a $newlist;
+ done;
+ # Add a list's owner and memacl
+ owner=$(athrun ops qy -s -f ace_name glin $list)
+ towner=$(athrun ops qy -s -f ace_type glin $list)
+ if [[ "$towner" == "LIST" ]]; then
+ blanche $prev -a $owner
+ fi
+ macl=$(athrun ops qy -s -f memace_name glin $list)
+ tmacl=$(athrun ops qy -s -f memace_type glin $list)
+ if [[ "$tmacl" == "LIST" ]]; then
+ blanche $prev -a $macl
+ fi
+ done
+ ) 2>&1 | grep -v "Record already exists"
+echo Current members: $(blanche $prev -m | wc)
+echo Expanding out lists
+echo New members: $(blanche $prev -m | wc)
+echo Removing foreign lists
+for list in $(blanche $anti | grep LIST | cut -d : -f 2); do blanche $prev -d $list; done
+echo Finalized members: $(blanche $prev -m | wc)
+echo Likely foreign members
+blanche $prev | grep LIST: | sed -e "s/^LIST://" | grep -v $nativepat
--- /dev/null
+# Alex Dehnert --- 2009-04-24, 2009-06-27, and later
+# Check the ownership and other properties of various mailing lists
+# Takes a list-of-lists and allowed owners on the commandline
+#owners=$(blanche $ownerslist -m | grep LIST | cut -d : -f 2)
+echo Allowed owners: $owners
+owners="GUARD $owners GUARD"
+for list in $(blanche $cont | grep LIST | cut -d : -f 2); do
+ hidden=$(athrun ops qy -s -f hidden glin $list)
+ if [[ "x$hidden" == "x" ]]; then
+ echo $list is probably hidden
+ else
+ if [[ "$hidden" == 1 ]]; then
+ echo $list is definitely hidden, but I can see it, so continuing
+ fi
+ info=$(blanche $list -i)
+ public=$(athrun ops qy -s -f publicflg glin $list)
+ owner=$(athrun ops qy -s -f ace_name glin $list)
+ towner=$(athrun ops qy -s -f ace_type glin $list)
+ macl=$(athrun ops qy -s -f memace_name glin $list)
+ tmacl=$(athrun ops qy -s -f memace_type glin $list)
+ if [[ "$towner" == "USER" ]]; then
+ echo "$list is owned by a user ($owner)"
+ elif [[ "$tmacl" == "USER" ]]; then
+ echo "$list is memacl'd by a user ($macl)"
+ elif [[ "$towner" == "KERBEROS" || "$tmacl" == "KERBEROS" ]]; then
+ echo "$list is owned or memacl'd by a Kerberos principal"
+ elif [[ "$towner" == "LIST" && ( "$tmacl" == "LIST" || "$tmacl" == "NONE" ) ]]; then
+ true
+ else
+ echo "$list is owned or memacl'd by something funky"
+ fi
+ if [[ "$towner" == "LIST" ]]; then
+ if [[ "$owner" == "GUARD" ]]; then
+ echo "$list owned by GUARD, which shouldn't even exist"
+ elif ( echo $owners | grep -q -- " $owner " ); then
+ # Owned by standard owner
+ true
+ elif [[ "$owner" == "$list-chairs" || "$owner" == "$list-request" ]]; then
+ # Chair / request owned
+ true
+ #elif ( echo "$list" | sed -e 's/-\(listeners\|members\)$/-chairs/' | grep -q --fixed-strings --line-regexp -- "$owner" ); then
+ # # Chair owned, for a listeners/members structure
+ # true
+ else
+ echo $list owned by $owner, not one of the allowed owners
+ fi
+ fi
+ if [[ "$public" == "1" ]]; then
+ if ( echo $list | grep -q -- "$publicpat" ); then
+ # We're allowed to be public
+ true
+ else
+ echo $list is public
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi # hidden heuristic end