+%% max_fsm_queue: Enable limiting of lengths of "message queues"
+%% for outgoing connections. Roughly speaking, each message in such
+%% queues represents one XML stanza queued to be sent into
+%% an output stream it is serving.
+%% The default value is an atom 'undefined' which specifies no limiting.
+%% When specified globally, this option limits the message queue lengths
+%% for all ejabberd_c2s_in and ejabberd_service listeners,
+%% as well as for outgoing s2s connections.
+%% This option can also be specified as an option for ejabberd_c2s_in
+%% and ejabberd_service listeners, in wich case it will override
+%% the value of the global option.
+{max_fsm_queue, 1000}.
%% s2s_use_starttls: Enable STARTTLS + Dialback for S2S connections.
%% Allowed values are: true or false.