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+\title{Soviet Russia Style Guide}
+\date{Sunday, February 22, 2015}
+\author{Kevin, Alex, and Veronica}
+\item[Punctuation outside quotes] ``Joss Whedon's `Space western', Firefly'', not ``Joss Whedon's `Space western,' Firefly''
+\item[Oxford comma] ``Kevin, Alex, and Veronica'', not ``Kevin, Alex and Veronica''
+\item[Explaining Soviet Russia] ``Soviet Russia (where Kevin, Veronica, and I live)''
+\item[Times] 5-6PM (not 5-{}-6 pm, 5-6 P.M., 5PM-6PM, etc.)
+\item[Plural acronyms] RSVPs, not RSVP's
+\item[Number of L's in cancelled] ``CANCELED'' (not ``CANCELLED'') or ``cancelled''
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